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Register your new ORCA account


Welcome to ORCA! As a new account owner, you can now access ORCA and manage your accounts. This includes creating vaults, inviting new users, and adding information to them.

Store your secret key in a safe and secure place. It is the only way to access ORCA, and there is no other "reset" function. Read more here.

Get Started with ORCA in 6 Steps

Ensure successful delivery of ORCA registration emails

Users should whitelist the ORCA domain ( or ( and check their spam/junk folders. If needed, follow up with your IT team to verify whether messages are being quarantined and consider allow-listing to release the emails.

Step 1: Welcome E-mail

Open the "Welcome to ORCA" email in your inbox and click on "Register."

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Step 2: Agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Check the box and then click on "Next."

For more information, refer to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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Step 3: Enter your account name

Usually, this would be the name of your organization or team that you use for business purposes.

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Step 4: Download Your Secret Key

This is a crucial step. Download the PDF and store it in a secure location (tip: use a password manager). It's important to note that you will lose access to ORCA if you don't have your Secret Key. Here we explain why.

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Step 5: Create a PIN for your trusted device

If you're accessing ORCA on a trusted device (e.g. your daily computer), you can create a PIN for faster access. The PIN must contain at least six characters. Refer to these articles to learn more about trusted devices and the difference between a PIN and the Secret Key.

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Step 6: Your account is set up - your ORCA journey begins

We recommend the following steps:



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