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How to manage your entity information: Details View


The Details View enables you to capture all the detailed information about Persons, Legal Entities, and Assets. You can capture and view key data and events, visualize cap tables, as well as direct access to all the relevant files and open Tasks.

How to access the “Details View”

From the Structure

  • Click on the name of the Person, Legal Entity, or Asset
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From the Wealth Panel

  • Click on the Asset’s name in the Wealth Panel
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Guide & Tabs explained


The Details section contains all the key data such as:

  • Name (including historical name changes accessible when clicking on ⇒ View name changes)
  • Phone & Website
  • Date of Incorporation & Liquidation (legal entities)
  • Date of birth and death (natural persons)
  • Marital status (natural persons)
  • Labels
  • Notes
  • Strategic Goals
  • External ID (a unique number for every item in ORCA, very relevant if you use the CSV import with data from another tool
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Addresses & Countries

Depending on whether it is about a Person or an Entity, you can add various country information, such as:

  • Nationality
  • Addresses (Registered, Correspondence, Physical Office, Other)
  • Tax domiciles, including tax IDs
  • Identifications & Permits (Passports, Green Cards, Driving License, …)
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Setting a Reminder for Passport or Identification Information

When you add passport or other identification information to a person's profile, you can set a "Remind before" date for that specific entry. This reminder is attached to the information itself, not to the uploaded file.

Once the "Remind before" date arrives, a task will be created in your ORCA account to alert you.

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This is the task that will remind you to add new passport information to ORCA. Example image below:

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The cap table where you see the direct owners, including position details and values

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This is only accessible for natural Persons and it includes a list of all family relations. Currently available:

  • Marriage
  • Parents
  • Children
  • Siblings
  • Relatives
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Add different types of valuations, such as

  • Market value
  • Book value
  • Tax value
  • Insurance value

In addition, you can add the total equity capital including different equity classes.

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Assets & legal entities

All direct holdings are listed there. Former positions are marked with “closed”

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Mandates & legal powers

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Audit & Tax

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This covers many KYC and AML-related checks, ensuring that you have all the relevant files for your financial intermediaries. For Swiss-based clients, ORCA can produce an SRO report.

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Direct access to all files that are linked to this entity

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Direct access to all tasks that are linked to this entity. The automated tasks (completeness checks) ensure you have all your must-have files added to ORCA

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