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How to share a Structure via link


Instead of exporting the structure as a PDF or CSV, you can share access to it as a link. This link will allow any recipient outside of ORCA to view a predefined structure chart. Key features of the share link include:

  • Creating a dynamic structure link that can be accessed via a browser
  • Selecting the amount of information you want to share by deselecting or hiding certain assets
  • Blending in additional information for each card individually or for all of the cards

Note: If you modify the structure after sharing the link, the share link will not automatically update. You will need to create a new link to reflect your changes.


How to create a new link to a structure?

  1. Determine the amount of information you want to share:
    1. Use the filters at the top to select specific asset classes, locations, or labels.
    2. Use "Show on card" to display additional information, such as values or tax IDs, for individual cards or all cards in the structure.
  1. Click "Share" in the top right corner.
  1. Optionally, set a password.
  1. Copy the link and share it. Note: If you don't password-protect the link, anyone who receives it can access your shared structure.
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How does it look for someone outside of ORCA?

The shared structure is entirely dynamic, allowing recipients to change their perspective to any person or legal entity that was part of the share structure.

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How to manage shared links

Shared links will expire automatically after 30 days. After this time, the content can no longer be accessed. However, if you need to manually adjust a link, you can access the settings menu and select one of the following actions:

  • Inactivate: Instantly deactivates access to a shared link
  • Activate: Reactivates access to a previously inactivated link
  • Prolong: Extends the validity of the link by 30 days from today's date.
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