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How to manage Legal Powers


ORCA enables you to track all legal powers across your entities, including:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Signatory Rights
  • Fiduciary Rights
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Different types of legal powers

Power of Attorney

A legal document that authorises someone to act on behalf of another person for legal or financial matters.

Specify whether someone has a General PoA or a Limited PoA.

Signatory Rights

The authority given to an individual to sign documents and make decisions on behalf of a company or organisation.

Specify whether someone has individual or collective Signatory Rights.

Fiduciary Rights

The legal authority given to a fiduciary to manage and make decisions regarding someone else's assets, such as in the case of a trustee or executor of an estate.

Specify whether someone has a General or a Limited Fiduciary Rights.

How to manage Legal Powers

Adding legal powers in ORCA typically involves three parties:

  1. The person or legal entity that provided PoA or signatory rights;
  1. The person or legal entity that was given PoA or signatory rights;
  1. The legal entity or asset (bank account) that is involved in it.

Example: (Individual) Signatory Rights for a legal entity

Richard gave Peter signatory rights for FinBit. However, Richard is still individually authorized to sign certain legal papers.

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Example: (Collective) Signatory Rights for a cash account

NCC Inc owns a bank account and has given collective signatory rights to the PropTechFund.

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Example: (Limited) Fiduciary Rights for a legal entity

Peter was given fiduciary rights for the FinBit company by the Fintech Fund.

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How to create & display new Legal Power in the structure

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How to define Legal Power in the Detail View

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