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Why are some items not grouped?


In ORCA you have different ways of grouping your items in the structure. They namely are:

  • by asset class (like in the example below)
  • by sub-asset class
  • by country
  • by colored label

In this example, the three items are “companies”, and hence belong to the same asset class. However, only 2 of them are grouped. Why?

Group collapsed

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Group open

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ORCA can only group legal entities and assets that do not have any ownership added beneath them. In this example, BlockChain Inc has a subsidiary in Canada. As soon as an item is not the last one in the ownership structure, it is not part of the group anymore. The main reason for this is the potential for cross-holdings. For example, BlockChain Canada could own parts of the other two companies, which would break the grouping.


You can also completely deactivate the grouping by selecting “None”

Change your preferences

Each user in ORCA can set their default grouping in the account

  • Click on your name in the bottom left section
  • Open “Personal Settings”
  • Update ”Allow grouping on structure”
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