You just uploaded a file to ORCA but you can’t see any date. For example, below we uploaded a new corporate document in the Blue River Capital Venture company. It is listed as “No date”

There are two main reasons why this happens:
- Uploading a file directly in the files section, without adding it to a specific event (see example above)
- The file was added to an event but the event itself does not have a date added
ORCA cannot determine to which year a file belongs if the above inputs are missing.
Manually set a date
If you want to store the important file but can’t add/link it to an event. Maybe you won’t or can’t add the event to ORCA then you can manually tag the file for which year they are relevant.

Link a file to an existing transaction
Simply open the corresponding transaction, either in the Structure Chart, Detail View, or the Transaction list. Click on the file icon on the right side and search for the uploaded file. Click on the file to link it to the event. If the event contains a date the file will be automatically added to this year.

Upload a file while adding a transaction
Create any new event and directly upload the corresponding file to it.